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SCADpro x Deloitte: The future of creator commerce


Work type

Visual Design, Motion design, Ideation, Primary Research (conducting Interviews and Affinity Mapping), Secondary Research

About the project
The collaboration projects envision the future of creator commerce to drive increased engagement & increased sales. To tackle this subject, we created strategies through visual storytelling and interactive games, utilizing the values and benefits of different social platforms to the maximum. We outlined solutions that would increase the engagement and sales of a company by positioning the consumer’s need at the center of new product creation.

Project process

Through our research we identified three core problems that people are faced with while purchasing on social media

Pain point

Consumers are overlooked

Choice Fatigue

Under representation of diversity within the influencer industry



Increase engagement and sales by positioning the consumer’s needs at the center of new product creation. Activating creators to facilitate a line of communication between brands and consumers.

Strategy: The Inquirer

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 


- Increased Brand Loyalty
- Increased Footfall from Creator’s Following
- Additional Sales of Brand Merchandise

 Interaction / Engagement

- Livestream Views - Livestream Consumer Feedback
- Comments/Inquiries on Instagram Content
- Routine Product Recognition
- Candid Consumer Brand
- Promotion/Mentions
- Usage of Branded AR Filter

Platform Value


Testing through direct communication and livestreams. Better curation of consumer values based on idealistic portrayal of product creation.


Livestream feature with an opinion sharing culture ideal for consumers to be a part of the product development process.

Valued Create

  • Better connected to consumers to prioritize their needs.

  • Increased understanding of product development based

  • on consumer feedback. Increased consumer trust and loyalty.

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SCADpro x Deloitte - Creator Commerce -
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Platform Value


Livestreaming allows for real-time product review with a more vocal consumer base.

Valued Create

  • Heightened sense of respect to prioritize consumer relationships.

  • Increased collaborative product development and user testing.

  • Reframing the brand perception.


SCADpro x Deloitte - Creator Commerce -

Increase engagement and sales by positioning the consumer’s needs at the center of new product creation. Activating creators to facilitate a line of communication between brands and consumers.

Strategy: The Inquirer

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 


- Sales of specific products listed in the boxes
- Revenue
- Footfall

 Interaction / Engagement

- Comments
- Livestream views
- Brand followers
- Social Media mentions

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Platform Value


TikTok presents short highlights of product in real-life context.



Instagram portrays the product in an idealistic context and provides insight into a deeper breadth of the product.

Valued Create

  • Make the shopping experience simpler and easier.

  • Save time for the consumers to focus on spending time on things they really care about.


To drive an increase in engagement and sales by highlighting micro-influencers from diverse backgrounds.

Strategy: The Inquirer

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 


- Sales of specific products listed in the boxes
- Over-all store revenue.
- Footfall of the store.

 Interaction / Engagement

- Comments
- Brand followers
- Earned Media

SCADpro x Deloitte - Creator Commerce -

Platform Value


More permanent space within the story highlights for quickly referring to the context of the products.

Use story highlights to spotlight diverse creators monthly on the brand’s page.

Upload video trailers of unboxing to provide a link to
the brand’s youtube page..


Creators will post fun short videos of the products.

Enable the option to stitch their videos to create interaction with the consumers.

Creators will host video challenges around the
different festive themes.


Creators will post fun short videos of the products.Brands will upload videos of the creators unboxing the boxes.

Creators will upload an in-depth product review and recommendations about the different uses of the products.

The brands will create a playlist of all the creators to highlight creators from diverse backgrounds.


Valued Create

  • Enabling conversations about diversity and inclusion.

  • Expanding into an untapped market segment with buying potential.

A quick glance at all four strategies



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